Available NOW! Custom Matte Black Acrylic Portfolio Books [PICS]

Matte on the outside with a glossy interior, these new custom matte black acrylic portfolios have a stealth and professional look that will turn a head or two.  The matte finish allows for a more scratch resistant cover and less visibility of fingerprints so your viewers can keep their attention on your awesome design.  This material engraves beautifully and works great with both die-cuts and vinyl decals as well.

Always custom and cut-to order, this material is available all sizes for your customization pleasure 🙂  Visit the Klo Portfolios website for more info, or email info[at]kloportfolios.com if you have any questions or comments.

Happy Creating!


Unique graphic design portfolio books

New Matte black custom portfolios with engraving treatment provide a bold and professional touch to your logo or design.

Klo Custom Presentation Books

New matte black acrylic portfolios engrave beautifully and are more scratch resistant.

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