PEG Fashion Shop in Milan

Nestor Espinosa Mitjanas of Barcelona along with David Perri, Spain has gotten his little hands all over the PEG shop in Milan.  Here’s a look at what he’s come up with (which in my opinion is geniuuus!)

The concept is super simple and adds just the necessary amount of charm.  To check out more Nestor’s work you can visit his website.

Pictures courtesy of:

2 thoughts on “PEG Fashion Shop in Milan

  1. Hello!

    I’ve just found your website, and what a surprise! I find one of my projects.

    I kindly ask you to modify the content of this entry, because the project is not only mine. It was done in collaboration with David Perri, a really good and professional italiann architect with whom I was studying in Milan.


    Best regards,

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